Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Consistency Party

The obituaries for the Republican Party are starting to be written, just as they were for the Democratic Party in 1972, 1980, 1988, 1994 and 2004.

The GOP will survive, but a third party needs to be established: The Consistency Party.

(I wanted to use More Taste League, but Miller Lite took it. And what about the Bud Light ads that copy the theme but doesn't have a central character like Dr. Cox from "Scrubs" as the Commish? But I digress.)

Let's face it: Both major parties and its members are hypocrites.

Why, conservatives, do you preach limited government and adherence to the 10th Amendment (state power), but try to get the federal government involved in the Terri Schiavo pull-the-plug case? Or try to get state assisted-suicide laws overturned?

Why, liberals, do you oppose school vouchers for the not-so-well-off but send your own kids to private school? You believe in higher levels of welfare to boot. Why not give kids who want a better education a chance?

Why, Republicans, do you believe in keeping hands off of businesses who pollute the air and water, but want a constitutional ban on gay marriage? Oh, wait. Polluters are just destroying the planet; gays and lesbians who want to make a loving, monogamous relationship legal are destroying...what, exactly?

Why, Democrats, do you oppose the death penalty but support abortion? They're both murder. The difference is, the guilty victim of the death penalty killed somebody brutally. Most innocent victims of abortion are helpless souls who were created because a couple wasn't responsible enough to use protection.

You get the point.

The Consistency Party would run candidates who were consistent in all their views. You're either a strict constitutionalist, or you believe the constitution changes with the times.

(And my wife voted last week. She couldn't do that in 1787. And my former co-worker also voted. Back then, he would have been seen as three-fifths of a person, and he lives in an apartment, so is not a property owner. What was the founders' intent again?)

I'm a member of the Consistency Party. This post proves it. My conservative brother and my liberal sister will both think I'm a blithering idiot.



A.Fish said...


Your liberal sister does NOT think you are a blithering idiot! In fact, I do agree that politics in the U.S. would benefit from a lot less hypocrisy and a lot more consistency.

My question to conservatives is: if you believe in less government, why do you want government in your bedroom?

I do take exception to the definition of abortion as murder however, which gets us into a discussion about when life begins...but let's not have that now.

Your inconsistent, liberal, consistency-craving sister.


p.s. Cool blog!

Anonymous said...

Enroll me in the Consistency Party. I have long maintained that both Liberals(not the John Stuart Mills kind) and Conservatives are schisophrenic. Milton Friedman should be the patron saint of the party,he was the very model of consistency. I forgot on what side are we going to be cosistent?Good job!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up for the consistency party, too. I'm so tired of the "my way is right when I do it, but wrong when my enemy does it" mindset in politics.

It's like the Bible -- the anti-gay crowd points out that homosexuals can't get married because of Leviticus. They are forgetting, however, that what WAS considered "OK" in the Bible was polygamy, incest, murder, wars...should I go on?

BTW, when was the last time anyone out there offered a calf as a burnt offering at the Temple?